Friday, November 2, 2007

Why is Christian Rock Music So Popular?

Author: Sam Wilkinson

"Christian Rock", a title often ridiculed at by traditional rock
artists, enthusiasts & critics alike is gaining popularity and
stamping its place as a sort after genre for the young
generation of head-banging, mosh-pitting gurus! Didn't Christian
rock die a couple of years ago, you ask? Christian rock music is
growing faster than ever before with Daily News of Christian
Rock Music, new artists & albums streaming across the Internet
and pumping the airways continuously every day. So where did
this God Rock come from? I mean this is new right?

This type of rock music wasn't around 20 years ago, was it? Well
I didn't think so until recently, the reality is Christian music
or should I say Christian rock music has been around apparently
from the dawn of creation! So why seeing it today all the time?
Where were they hiding and what happened to the voice of eternal
punishment for those participating in anything other than a
church hymn or Sunday school choir? The chastity belt of modern
Christian rock is alive and kicking. There are many religious
organisations who oppose this form of music, I will talk more
about this opposition later.

Most Christians are in favor of this "movement" feeling that
Christian rock music is another way to reach people with the
importance of the Christian faith. So why the controversy?, what
is so different about secular rock music in comparison to
Christian rock? Many have asked this question and instead of
quoting Mr. Bob Dylan "the answer is blowing in the wind", I
thought I would look into this more closely and check out the
facts and see why there is so much "opposition" to the sounds of
"thumping grace". After reviewing many rock & heavy metal music
bands and performances and then compared them to their Christian
counterparts, I did see differences but not many! The stage
performance was very similar with the exception of secular heavy
metal revealing more of a dark or satanic side at times in
general there was little if any change in production or
presentation from Christian rock to standard or Non-Christian
music. The only real difference I could see was in the lyrical
content, with Christian rock music singing words from the Bible
and preaching family values.

So why was Christian rock music inward for so many years,
seemingly hiding in the shadows from more conservative members
of the Christian community? Well apparently they weren't hiding
at all, it's just that I like many people didn't even know they
were around back then! Good old fashioned Christian rock bands
like Petra, Stryper, Bloodgood, Whitecross and Tourniquet have
been rocking Christians and non Christians alike for generations.

The voice of rock abstinence is still screaming louder than ever
in some Christian circles although seemingly falling on deaf
ears of a Christian Rocker community that grows bigger every
day. Who opposes this Christian liberation? Who else but other
Christians! It seems some denominations of who have not advanced
to modern day sounds are Bible bashing these Christian rock
music head bangers with eternal consequences for their "lack of
understanding". The most dramatic example I came across was the
seventh day adventist (SDA) church who proclaim that Christian
rock music is quote "Devil music". The SDA church preach that
all rock music has the "beat of the devil" borrowed from primate
heathen rituals, beating in time with the body's "natural
rhythms". I found it hard to understand that anyone could think
this way at first, but indeed it is true and the SDA church is
serious about stamping out any and all rock music, or anything
for that matter that has a drum beat!

About the author:
Sam J Wilkinson works as a volunteer webmaster of the href="">Christian Rock Music Site, which has up to date information about
Christian music & artistis, aswell as other Christian culture
news & events.

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